Erkexin Paste Price in Pakistan 230g - Erkexin epimedium paste is herbal macun which one is increasing sexual power gives high motiviation about sex life . 30 min before from sexual moves is enough to take 1 small spoon paste , women and men can use this mixture , herbal organic product . This is best organic aphrodisiac mixture so lets order and enjoy .
Lotus epimedium is inconvenient for women with diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease . Also pregnant and breastfeeding women to use epimedium paste without consulting their doctor!
Since less of everything is more harmless, if you eat more than 1 teaspoon of epimedium paste . It can cause ligament pain, heart palpitations and high blood pressure. You should take 1 teaspoon before 30 min – 1 hour from sexual moves enough .
Verified Purchase
Asad 2024-10-08 08:14:06best product ha bht axhy results hain is k and delivery bhi bht fast ha........